After I decide to jump in, then what?
For most people, a Whole Foods Plant Based lifestyle is a completely new way of understanding food and you will probably have many, many questions as you proceed forward. For the most part, we were all raised to eat meat, starch and a vegetable at every meal. You will have many questions as you begin to transition to this new way of eating. Even with 27 years of medical experience and a semester of Nutrition in college, I had many questions that I had to seek answers to as we transitioned to a WFPB lifestyle. The extensive education I received through the T. Colin Campbell Plant-Based Nutrition program was so eye-opening and confirmed many of my experiences with my patients that I previously never had a good explanation for. From ecology, agriculture, disease causation on a cellular level, and the staggering results of clinical trials, I learned so much and want to be able to share this information with everyone. I found that not only my cooking techniques and food choices changed, but my entire outlook on food, ecology and my relationship with the natural world around me began to slowly evolve. So I wanted to find a way to share all of this information that was so meaningful to me with my clients.
Natural State of Health provides ongoing support in the form of customized information and presentations by leading physicians, dieticians, and thought leaders in the plant-based movement emailed to you periodically so that over time, you can gain more and more knowledge into the world of natural health and form your own ideological framework from which you will operate that will sustain your commitment to this lifestyle going forward.
Natural State of Health provides members access to a Members Only Facebook group through which you can ask any questions you have about this new way of eating and get feedback from the Natural State of Health community. Your specific WFBP questions will be answered by Stephanie within 24 hours so that you always have direction and support in a timely manner on your WFPB journey.
Natural State of Health Membership: $30/month
Individualized answers to your WFPB questions through the Members Only Facebook group.
Ongoing health-specific emails so you can continue to learn about your health conditions and specific WFPB strategies in treating them
When you feel that you have all the tools you need to be successful with your WFPB lifestyle, you can feel free to cancel this membership level at any time.
Just email Stephanie at let me know you're ready to sign up for this service and we will get you started.
DISCLAIMER: Stephanie Spencer is a Registered Nurse with a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell. Stephanie is not a Registered Dietician. She cannot prescribe medication or discontinue medication. The content and material on this website should not be considered medical advice nor medical treatment for any specific health conditions. Always consult your doctor before changing your diet and discuss any and all medications you are taking, including monitoring your health for positive changes that may require decreasing your medication dosages under your doctor's supervision.